about me. emille.
I had just become an adult when I decided to take a leap of faith on a plane ride. The year was two thousand sixteen and I was leaving my tiny hometown in southern Brazil, on my own, to go experience the world and start writing my life’s story on the other side of the globe.
Traveling and going on adventures have always been part of my life. Family trips were probably the most awaited moments during my childhood and going on a “solo” trip to Scandinavia when I was only sixteen completely changed my perspectives on my existence, my purpose, and the planet we live in. My curiosity combined with the amount of possibility I saw every time I left my comfort zone made me hungry for exploring different places and learning about other cultures.
Seeing what life was prepared to show me overseas was a big dream. Until it wasn’t. I packed my countryside life into two suitcases at the first opportunity I had and headed on my way to the unknown. As a young Latin American woman, now an immigrant, it didn’t take long for me to learn that yes, the world really is a fascinating place, but it isn’t always as pretty as it looks.
Building a life from scratch in a foreign country has taught me more about life and the world than I thought my travels ever could. It showed me that our conditions don’t determine our future; it’s our love, values, choices, focus, discipline, and willingness to strive forward despite the weather that defines us. Living the life of our dreams is about perseverance and showing up to the world owning the space we deserve.
Photography, sharing, and documenting moments are passions of mine and big parts of who I am. It’s what helps me see things the way they are, and helps me transform my life experiences into lessons, inspiration, and sometimes even art.
There are a lot of technicalities to photography, but to be extremely honest I don’t take any of them too seriously. I like to think that a good photographer is someone who has the ability to notice, and transform observations into something worth admiring. A good photographer gifts you with shares of a lived moment and makes you feel something, and I think that’s beautiful.
My photography work reflects my journey and how I see the world. It portrays my path choosing to follow the light and see the brighter side of everything. It’s a snapshot of the point of view of a traveler wandering around, looking to find love, happiness, and beauty everywhere. Even in the smallest things.
Hope the photos and stories shared here inspire you to travel outside your own comfort zone, follow your own unique and wonderful path, and be forever transformed.
When you support my art and my work, you support my dream. Thank you for being here.